Couples Coping with Stress Lab
Members/Student Advisees
Doctoral Students

Lauren Hocker
Lauren is a fourth-year doctoral candidate in the Counseling Psychology program at Arizona State University. She obtained her B.A. in Psychology from California State University Channel Islands, M.A. in Psychology from California State University Los Angeles, and Master of Counseling from Arizona State University. Her research interests include experiences of stress between romantic partners, the impact of trauma on romantic relationships, dyadic coping, intimate partner violence, and gender and sexual minorities.
Yuvamathi Gandhi
Yuva is a second-year doctoral student in the Counseling Psychology program at Arizona State University. She obtained her Master of Counseling from Arizona State University. Her research interests are stress and the interpersonal coping experiences of underrepresented individuals, dyadic communication, and career advancement of women in STEM.

Zuzanna Panek
Zuzanna is a second-year Counseling Psychology doctoral student at Arizona State University. She completed her Master of Science in Counseling Psychology and Psychotherapy at The American College of Greece and her Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Roehampton in London. Her research interests include the process and outcomes of couples therapy for same-sex couples, as well as the development of interventions for sexual and racial minority couples.
Steven Samrock
Steven (he/him/his) is a PhD Candidate in Counseling Psychology at ASU; and an incoming doctoral intern at UC Santa Barbara’s Counseling and Psychological Services center. Steven holds a Bachelor of Science in Communications from Boston University and a Master of Arts in Psychology from the City University of New York; he has worked in media, academia, and research. Steven's research interests include examining how nature connectedness may serve as a protective factor, buffering against anxiety and depression in sexual and gender diverse populations.